Friday, August 29, 2014

If God is Outside of Time and Sees Every Event, Are Any Human Actions Free?

A colleague asks, "If God is outside of time, then does the current physics model mean that there is an "Elect" because God can see the whole 4-D picture?"

As far as I can tell the popular Einsteinian understanding of the universe as a four dimensional block (as opposed to a Newtonian understanding which holds space as absolute, the universe as three dimensional, and time as not being a fourth dimension) does not pose a special fatalist problem (with certain qualification that I won't get into).  A fatalist problem arises even if one thinks of the universe along Newtonian lines.  Here is a general fatalist argument involving a timeless God which makes no claims about whether the universe is a 4-D block or (only) a collection of 3-D objects (I'm taking the basic framework for Linda Zagzebski's book on the philosophy of religion):

Let K be the event of some person A killing B on Saturday.  Then,

(1) God timelessly believes K and is infallible.
(2) Nobody now can do anything about the fact that God timelessly believes K and is infallible.
(3) Nobody now can do anything about the fact that if God timelessly believes K and is infallible, then A will kill B on Saturday (what is next Saturday to us). 
(4) So nobody now can do anything about the fact that A will kill B on Saturday (what is next Saturday to us).
(5) If A cannot do anything about the fact that A will kill B, then A will not kill B freely.

(6) So A will not kill B freely. 

The key premise, as I see it, is premise (2).  Why should we think that nobody now can do anything about the fact that God timelessly believes K and is infallible?  An alternative is often called "Ockham's Way Out" (after the medieval philosopher William of Ockham).

Principle of Counterfactual Power over the God's Beliefs (CPGB): It was within x’s power at some time T1 to do something such that if he did it, God would not have held the belief He in fact holds.

In affirming CPGB one does not  have to hold:

(i)                  God's knowledge can be CHANGED.  Or that
(ii)                His knowledge is CAUSED by us (though some might want to hold this as well).  

One does have to hold:

(iii)              God's knowledge counterfactually depends on some of our actions. Some of God's beliefs wouldn't be what they are were it not for the fact that A did action K rather than refraining from K (or performing action L).

1 comment:

  1. I love this kind of thinking! I find this so intriguing! One possibility that I think this article/post thing leaves out however is that God is non-dimensional. One could say, he is just 5-D because he can observe all things in 4-D (he can look at all of time at once). But then you have to go one step further because one could say God can look at all the POSSIBLE timelines as well. He knows all the things that will happen in our timeline, as well as all the timelines that branch off from this one, and all the different things caused by each and every choice that we can all make (like a lightning bolt). But then you can go even further and say that God can look at all the universes with different starting conditions (usually what the sixth dimension is described as in the standard model) and all of their timelines and all of those space-times. The process can continue forever (or at least until you reach the 10th dimension or whatever you believe the limit is) and you end up with a God outside of ALL the dimensions looking in on everything. Because I am a Christian and I believe that God is indeed all powerful and infinite, I think it is foolish for any person of faith to believe that God is anything less than non-dimensional. Thanks for reading! :)
