Wednesday, October 8, 2014

The Greatest Natural Theologian Alive

...was just at my alma mater, Purdue.  That's according to Dale Tuggy. Here is his post with links to the conference:

In September of 2014 I was privileged to attend a conference in honor of the greatest living natural theologian. For the uninitiated, this is what “natural theology” is (also here). The initiated hold Swinburne in awe because of his writings.  Richard Swinburne has produced an unparalleled string of carefully argued, in many cases ground-breaking books in philosophy of religion and in analytic theology (see the links below).
Many “big guns” of philosophy of religion came out to present at the conference, and to a person they related how Swinburne had inspired them to think deeply and carefully about various philosophical and theological issues. For my part, his The Christian God was the book that inspired and provoked me to look deeply into the issue of the Trinity. Professor Swinburne has a manly way of taking a stand on hard issues, fashion be damned. You may agree or disagree, but you will think.

The conference was called  Faith and Reason: Themes from Swinburne, and it was hosted by Purdue University. On a warm September  day-after-the-conference, Professor Swinburne and I sat outside on a bench on Purdue’s lovely campus. In this episode, I interview Professor Swinburne about his life and work. How has he been so productive? What advice does he have for aspiring analytic  theologians? How has his work influenced academic theology?
You can also listen to this episode (and all others) on youtube (scroll down), stitcher, or itunes (please rate us there).  If you would like to upload audio feedback for possible inclusion in a future episode of this podcast, put the audio file here.
Next episode: an interview with Professor Swinburne on his views on the Trinity.
Links for this episode:

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